Domain Name Registration Terms

Incorporating latest revisions posted on this web site on October 23rd 2001.

1. Please read carefully these terms and conditions, hereinafter called The Agreement, your acceptance of which is a pre-requisite for carrying out your order/instructions; a declaration that they are acceptable has to be made before you are able to submit the "order form", prior to the registration of a domain name.

2. The only parties to The Agreement are Laminar Systems Ltd, Company Number 3167287, whose registered office is situated at 36 Cranmer Rd, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2QE, England, hereinafter called the registration agents and the individual, partnership or company wishing to register a domain name or purchase a product or service from the registration agents, hereinafter called the customer, this being irrespective as to whether or not the customer made contact with the registration agents directly or was referred to them from one of the web sites or agents that promote the registration agents' services.

3. The customer irrevocably accepts to be also bound by the completely separate and independent agreement/agreements of the registry agencies, NOMINET for .uk domain and sub domains and Inc for .com, .org, .net, .info and .biz domain and sub domains (click "Nominet terms" or "Tucows terms" links now to read their agreements) The customer must accept their terms, conditions, rules and also be bound by their domain name dispute policies (click " Nominet disputes"and/or "Tucows disputes" domain name policies links now to read how "name disputes" will be handled). The customer also agrees that any warranties, indemnities, restrictions, provisions, prohibitions, limitations or grounds for termination agreed with Nominet and/or Inc in accordance with their terms and rules, shall be deemed to have been agreed with the registration agents including those preconditions the customer has to give before licensing the use of a permitted domain name to a third party, referred to in item 7 of the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the customer hereby also irrevocably accepts that the provision of any ancillary service or product provided by third parties, through the registration agents, shall also be subject to the third parties' terms and conditions (click link "Third Party Products and Services" (to read additional agreements provided by third parties, if you intend purchasing any of their products/services through the registration agents).

6. The registration agents shall, after registration, host the domain name on their Server and will make reasonable endeavours to make the Server available to the customer at all times and to offer the customer the registration agents' own ancillary services; the customer irrevocably accepts to be bound by the registration agents' ancillary services terms and conditions, (click "ancillary services terms and conditions" link to read them) but the registration agents can make no warranties or representations that any service will be uninterrupted or error-free and the registration agents will not be held liable for ANY interruptions of the service or down-time of the Server; the customer should have and maintain insurance cover in respect of any loss or damage to data stored on the server. The registration agents' total aggregate liability to the customer for any claim in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise arising out of or in connection with The Agreement, shall be limited to a refund of the preceding 12 months' charges paid by the customer in respect of the Services which are subject to the claim. Any claim must be notified within 6 months of it arising. For the avoidance of any misunderstanding whatsoever, the customer must accept that neither the registration agents, their employees, agents or anyone else associated with them, shall be held liable to the customer for any loss of business, contracts, profits or failure to achieve anticipated savings or for any other indirect or consequential or economic loss whatsoever, irrespective whether such losses were caused because of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, loss of files and data, errors, defects, operation or transmission delays, failures in performance because of destruction, theft or any unauthorised access or for any other reason whatsoever.

NOTE: Customers are strongly recommended to study this agreement closely before giving instructions to the Registration Agents and to print out a copy of it to retain for future reference. In the unlikely event of any dispute, the content and interpretation of this Agreement will be paramount in settling any claims by either party.